Thursday, December 06, 2007

Notes from the Week

  • I think that I have listened to the first half of Santa Claus 3 at least 20 times yet, I have never seen the movie in its entirety. That would be the movie of choice in the car DVD player.

  • This week has flown by.....the kids are busier then when they are in school. I feel like I am driving them all over the place between friends and play practice and appointments. My life is to cater to their social schedules. It will be nice to get back into the swing of things.

  • I sure did do some power shopping. Is that even a phrase? Anyways tackled a serious list and gave it a good effort. That is my kind of shopping. Go to one store, namely Target and get er done! No fussing around going to different locations. I still have a few things but gosh it feels good to have something accomplished.

  • We have misplaced Kyle's shoes. Or rather he has misplaced them. This is not uncommon for Kyle, but I usually find them the next day. He took them out back when he was busily digging or as they call it "mining" in the backyard. I call it making a serious mess. Those kids are worse than the digging-est dog. Do you remember that book? I spelled it wrong I'm sure. I digress. Anyways, cannot find the shoes. Not anywhere. Would be fine, except he needs them for basketball on Saturday.

  • Our neighbors down the street have a full on lighted Christmas tree on their front porch. Interesting. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

  • While at Target, Steve placed a few items in the cart for Christmas presents. A vintage game of Stratego and Risk. I remember my brothers being big into Risk. He was so excited he busted out BOTH games that same night to play with the kids. We had agreed upon opening 1 game and saving the other for Christmas. He couldn't wait. He is so bad about keeping surprises. So bad indeed that he told the kids that we bought Pirates of the Caribbean 2 & 3. Kyle keeps asking about it and I finally had to tell them that I did not buy it.

  • I went with your suggestion of all three pictures for the Christmas card. I attempted my own. It looks really elementary because I hurt my brain and spent a couple of hours trying to figure out HOW to make it all come together. I downloaded the free December kit on 2Peas thinking I could figure it out. I have to hand it to those who scrap digitally. It is overwhelming. I still don't know how to cut paper and get it on there right. Anywho, it's done.

  • I was feeling pressure since Jen Rose has already mailed out her CUTE card!
  • Lauren is making some little coin purses for her friends along with the clear glass magnets to go inside. I am not a seamstress like my sisters Candace and Kimberly. It took some time to figure out but Lauren was patient and she did most of the sewing. Nice first project for her. She thinks she wants a sewing machine. I think she can use doesn't get much use.
  • We did get some fabric for new drapes over the slider. I bought a whole bunch of yardage without even bringing home a swatch. Brave I was. Then I kept thinking the whole way home, "What if it doesn't work?" It is perfect. So glad I got it and can't wait to tackle it after Christmas.
  • Speaking of sewing projects, got some fabric to finally make Kyle's quilt. We finished Lauren's last winter and never got around to Kyle's. He wants to help sew it.
  • Borrowed the second book in the Twilight series. Haven't had much time to read though.
  • Lauren cornered me this week about the validity of Santa Claus. She was armed with arguments against the Jolly fellow.
  1. How does he get inside houses with no chimneys and alarms like ours?
  2. How can he deliver presents to everyone in the entire world in one night?
  3. Especially since magic is NOT REAL.
  4. Plus last year I saw my idog in the garage and on Christmas morning the tag said from: Santa.

So tell me Mom, as she crosses her arms.....the truth. You really want to know? Yes......

and then I asked if she was upset. No she says. I told her never to breathe a word of this to anyone. Not even if they ask. People should really find out on their own I say.

Then she says.....

Someone should really tell people about this especially Moms and Dads before they become Moms and Dads because they might go to bed on Christmas Eve and think everything will be taken care of in the morning. Their kids will be sad!

My friend Hannah is going to be like that. Someone will need to tell her when she gets to be an adult.


Amber said...

I love your card! And I can't stop cracking up about Lauren. That is so funny. Someones going to have to tell her friend Hannah. hahahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

Your card is so cute! It shows the kids personalities! Cute! Lauren is so funny! She is so smart!

Caitlin said...

Lauren is hilarious! That made me laugh right out loud!

jenny said...

that card is great! oh, i'm wanting to figure out digital scrapping, but i'm clueless at this point. i think i need at least 24 hours to figure it out and then hit the ground running!

{Erica} said...

love your card! I just paid the rest of the balance for wendy's class...I can't wait for jan 7th. Thanks for your advice and info on her class! :D