Friday, December 07, 2007


During FHE (Family Home Evening) this past Monday,
I pulled out the gospel art kit and found the picture of the nativity.
I asked Kade to tell me about what was happening and who was there.
He was very excited to have the chance to answer.
I sure did have to hold back the older two.
He pointed and said, "This is Jesus."
Then pointed to Joseph and said, "this is a pirate"
and then to one of the shepherds "this is a naked man."
Out of the mouth of babes!
After further questioning, he does in fact know that "the pirate" is Joseph and the "naked man" is a shepherd.


Caitlin said...

That is so funny! Was he just trying to make you guys laugh?

Heather said...

Nope...he was serious.

Jen@eighteen25 said...

Love that picture!

Unknown said...

That is SO funny he was serious. He's so cute

Linde said...

I think that is my favorite picture ever of him. He is way too cute!