Thursday, December 06, 2007

Redd Family

I redeemed myself with this shoot.....there were tons to choose from.
Really cute and spunky kids that makes for easy posing.
I tried another backlit one just for practice. I did wash out Jon's face, but I still like it.
I'll post a couple more when I get them edited because Mollie was such a poser and Charlie was hilarious.
He couldn't hold still, which made for some really fun images.


Amber said...

Cute pictures! Molly & Charlie are getting big! I can't wait to see more.

Jennifer said...

I would love to hire you to take my family's pics next summer!

Sunee said...

Heather-you are the best!!!Thanks again for taking time to do this. We soooo appreciate it. I'm going to give them as gifts to grandparents for Christmas. They will love them. We love all of them too. You are so talented!

Linde said...

So Cute!