Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I've been

  • listening to Kade say "Play _______ with me." Ever since the kids left for school. The line can be filled with (trains, trucks, basketball, outside, in the sandbox) You get the idea.

  • thinking that I can't keep up with things in the house that need to be kept up on when I am constantly playing with him.

  • realizing that the house doesn't really matter.....and letting it go.

  • frustrated with the older kids and the time in the afternoon after school. It is busy and chaotic and I feel like sometimes they don't always get what they need. Trying to give them what they need.

  • focusing on a new plan/schedule/rewards/punishment system. The kids want allowance. We haven't been good about that. I think that they need to work and learn about money and managing it and saving it and how to wisely spend it. So......we are opening savings accounts and attempting another system. Hope it works.

  • so happy that the hermit crab cage was cleaned this weekend, and not by me. Those poor, little creatures did not know how to act in a clean environment with fresh food and water. The kids have resolved to take better care of them. And they are excited again about watching them eventually move homes.

  • doing endless loads of laundry and loving the smell of the dryer as I'm outside playing with Kade (:

  • Concentrating on getting my photo assignment done. I always stress about it, but it is the process, and I am enjoying that.

  • Thinking about getting some sewing done and balancing my time in the evenings. I spend way to much time on the computer.


Jen@eighteen25 said...

what are you planning on sewing?

what kind of things are you learning in the new photography workshop?

are you ready to rent another lens, yet? haha... so dangerous!

Colleen said...

I always love the expressions on Kade cute little face! He steals my heart away!

Heather said...

Jen, of course I am up to renting another lens. I was thinking I wanted to try the 16-35mm.
The workshop is wonderful! Building upon the last one and focusing on light and shadows. Really insightful. I would highly recommend taking a class from Wendy. It is worth every penny!