Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I always like the freshness of a new year. Planning on changes that I want to make, things I want to be better at. As I was thinking about my approach for this year, I wanted to be simple so I wouldn't overwhelm myself. Because lets face it....there are millions of things that I could do better. Maybe I'd categorize into various areas: physical, creative, emotional, spiritual, organizational and then make one doable goal for each. That way I would have five main goals. I still haven't decided exactly what I am going to try to accomplish, but I have some ideas. The one thing I do know is I will not stress about it!

I thought that I would "try" and do 365 photos for next year with my photo a day. I know that is a BIG goal, but if I could get most of the days done, it would be a cool visual representation of my year. So hop on over there and keep me accountable.

Speaking of resolutions, Steve had a conversation with Lauren and Kyle in the car on the way to the movies today.

Kyle resolves to be nicer to his brothers and sister. To try very hard not to tease or aggravate them. Perfect for him :)

Lauren resolves to be "confident. When Dad and Mom tell me NO about getting a dog. I will save my money and go buy one myself."

hahahahahhahahahahahaha! Yeah right!


Ryan said...

the 365 photos sounds AWESOME! totally do it! thats a good enough goal right? don't pressure yourself, I HATE making goals, its just a set up! (for success of course???)
Loved your christmas post too- cute cute cute!!!!
Lauren cracks me up!

Amber said...

I can't wait to see the photos on your photo blog. Great goal.

Linde said...

That cracks me up about Lauren! I Can't wait to see all your pictures! I love to see what you do next. Great goals Heather!

Jen@eighteen25 said...

great goal!! good luck and i'm looking forward to seeing all the pictures.

{Erica} said...

such a great idea about the 365....i think i'll join in the fun! hope you don't mind!

Colleen said...

If you ever put Kade up for adoption.... I want him! He's so stinkin' cute! love to "see" your kids and how they are growing. I'll send a contribution for the puppy!! :)